Type Strain Genome Server

Q: Why is a particular type-strain genome not included in the TYGS database?

While the TYGS database attempts to be as comprehensive as possible, a specific type-strain genome may be missing for a variety of reasons:

  • The genome has not yet been sequenced.
  • The genome sequence has been obtained but not been deposited in public databases.
  • The genome sequence has been deposited in public databases but cannot be identified because its metadata lack crucial information.
  • The genome sequence has been deposited in public databases but cannot be identified because a deposit of the type strain was used that is unknown to the TYGS database.
  • The genome sequence was identified in public databases but is still under investigation by the TYGS team.
  • The genome sequence can be identified in public databases but fails the TYGS quality checks.

If you are aware of a type-strain genome sequence that is missing in the TYGS database, please contact the maintainers and provide information on this genome sequence as indicated above.

Prior to sending a report on a missing type-strain genome sequence, make sure the species or subspecies is not contained in the list for manual genome selection. If it is contained, you may better file a report on a type-strain genome sequence that is contained but not automatically found.